Lift Vertical | Technologies for Social Welfare

AI Technologies
for Social Welfare

Turning ideas into reality, enriching day-to-day life, and improving experience exchange of the Internet users all over the world.

What we do

Focus On

Working with companies in the Eueropean Union, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Using best practices of the world's biggest tech companies to achieve maximum result possible within short period of time.

Eager to develop solutions of any size starting from small automation scripts ending with enterprise-level platforms.

Using sets of tools for every industry we can provide a solid base for a required solution implementation.

About Us

We are a team of executive members and create developers from big-tech companies, banks, financial, social-life & travel startups.

Why Choose Us?

  • We make performing web apps and landing pages
  • Solid experience in communication automation on social platforms
  • Team of specialists from multiple industries
  • Agile while lauching MVPs to quickly confirm or reject hypotheses
  • Flexible approach to world problems using modern solutions
  • Focus on security

Check our portfolio or connect directly

Finished projects